Internships and Work Based Learning
At Vista Nueva High School, we believe that exposure to real-world learning, developing communication and organizational skills, and building relationships in our community, are paramount to the future success of our students.
All Vista Nueva students now have varying levels of work-based learning experiences. The graduating class of 23’ will have the option to pursue an internship. The graduating class of 24’ will be required to complete at least one internship experience with a minimum of 120 total hours which will earn them 1.0 credit. The graduating classes of 25’ and beyond will be required to complete a minimum of two internship experiences and a total of 240 hours for graduation. This same metric will apply to any transfer students at VNHS. If a student transfers in as a senior, they will have the option, if they transfer in as a Junior, they will have the 120 hours and one internship requirement etc.
Credit accrual will be based on the formula of 60 hours equal to .5 credits of internship. However, the student will not earn this credit if the internship experience is not successfully completed. Successful completion will be based on meeting the aligned keys to success as evaluated by their mentor at the internship and their advisor. In the instance of an incomplete internship experience, the student’s completed hours will be banked and added to additional hours earned from their next internship experience. This system simultaneously provides students with the flexibility to shift interests without being penalized and to have a platform for accountability if students are not meeting basic expectations.
We will also be making a shift in our scheduling to prioritize this WBL program. Mondays are now dedicated internship days. Students will begin with an advisory period in which we will be implementing daily tasks and goal setting with all students. We will then come together as a larger group to create an energetic atmosphere for getting out on internships. All students will be enrolled in a full year course titled “Career Exploration”. We will have some students ready to get out on their internship experience in week one and we have several students that will need to take time to work through a variety of personal and social hurdles before they are ready to make the big jump to communicating with strangers. We want to meet every single student exactly where they are.
The Internship Workflow